A butcher shop in Kentucky is helping those in need, thanks to a partnership with deer hunters and food banks. Over 60 hunters have donated more than 2,500lbs of meat.
The Butcher Block processes the meat.
“I knew how I grew up, and I don’t want no other kid to grow up that way,” said Courtney Kininmonth, whose family owns the butcher shop.
Want to help but don’t know how?

If you have extra hunt meat, check out this website. Here’s some of what they say there:
The Hunters For Hungry voluntary exchange program database with contact information for interested parties to receive their deer donation in their area. The parties will contact each other and work out the details for the transfer. Please note that in most states it is illegal to provide harvested animals in exchange for money or bartered services.
Hunters For Hungry is designed to accommodate the additional harvest of animals. Hunters who have filled their freezers may still bag a game and provide a valued contribution to the community by donating excess meat. Registration is free and simple to use.
Other benefits of the program are:
- Supplying an organic source of protein to the hungry.
- Increasing communication between hunters and non-hunters.
- Increasing hunter recruitment, development, retention and awareness.
Hunters For Hungry is not responsible for the quality of venison or the failure of the donor or recipient to follow through with the transfer. Hunters are responsible for reporting harvest prior to making the exchange. When transferring game animals, the hunter must provide the recipient with a completed Hunters For Hungry Transfer Card. Hunters are responsible for including any additional information on the transfer tag that may be required by their state of game harvest.